Well Abandonment Services
Abandoned or unused wells pose a great threat to the safety and quality of groundwater drinking water supplies. An unused well provides a direct path for contaminants and pollutants to the underground aquifers that supply working wells.
It is important to know why your community has a municipal well filling and sealing ordinance and if you are a well owner, how to go about getting a well properly filled and sealed.
As of June 1, 2008, only licensed well drillers and pump installers can fill and seal wells under Wisconsin Law.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources considers a well to be permanently abandoned when it has been completely filled and sealed by a licensed well driller or pump installer using materials and methods as prescribed in section NR 812.26 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.
This generally means that the pump and any piping inside of the well casing have been removed and the well has been filled from bottom to top with proper filling materials, such as cement grout, concrete grout, concrete, a clay/sand slurry mix or, in some cases, bentonite chips.